
The mapping/accounts page is here.

Species-accounts from A Flora of Cumbria (1997), for species which are covered therein, appear below the map. 62 species appear in A Flora of Cumbria; 138 are currently recorded.

BSBI Referee for the genus Brian Burrow has very kindly offered comments for a number of species where the taxonomy has advanced from the accounts in A Flora of Cumbria. These are attributed in the ‘Current comments’ pane as ‘[BB]’. Comments attributed as [JR], or lacking attribution, are by Jeremy Roberts. Further comments will be added in due course.

 A Flora of Cumbria (1997): introduction and key

‘As novices, provokingly ignorant of hawkweed problems, and without a description of decolor (it is not indexed in Linton’s work and so we missed it) we ran this plant down to H. Leyi and feel encouraged. But what a liquid genus must Hieracium be if a plant can be put back into a ‘better hole’ behind fifty intervening species (see Lond. Cat.) without the ruffling of a ligule!’
Bucknall & White, BEC Rpt (1920) 5:827

No serious attempt was made during the Survey to investigate the hawkweed flora until 1985 although numerous specimens had been collected, in a rather desultory way, during the previous ten years. Since then, much additional material has been accumulated and, together with specimens seen at BM and CGE, considerably more information is now available than ever before. Preparation of this account has revealed a number of errors in the Critical Atlas, errors arising from misplaced dots, omissions and misidentifications. A particularly acute problem has been the unrealistically large number of species previously reported from some sites. Familiarity with the plants in the wild suggests that environmental variation is of more significance than is generally allowed for; it also engenders healthy caution in relying too much on leaf-spotting. For all its undoubted shortcomings this account at least sets out the current position and indicates the nature of the remaining unsolved problems. Considerable help was received during the early years of this study from P.D. Sell and J. Bevan. and latterly from D. McCosh, who has seen the bulk of the herbarium material. Ultimate responsibility for the taxonomic conclusions must, however, rest with the author.
As with Rubus, earlier published accounts, for example Ley & Linton (1905) as well as the previous Floras, pose serious problems of interpretation. This account is therefore based entirely on Survey material and herbarium specimens. With the exception of the rarer species, records prior to the Survey ones are only given where they are from additional 10 km squares.
The account lists 62 species which are considered to occur or to have occurred in the county. Although seven fewer than are shown in the Critical Atlas, this number still leaves Cumbria with by far the largest hawkweed flora of any county south of the Scottish Highlands. Much remains to be done. There is at least one possible new species which requires further study and many unvisited crags and gullies still beckon. The upland hawkweeds have undoubtedly declined considerably this century, chiefly as a consequence of ever-increasing sheep stocking, but it is encouraging that the Survey rediscovered the elusive Hieracium itunense and, briefly, H. mirandum, failing only with H. subintegrifolium. These last two species should now be considered extinct.

The following key is an attempt to facilitate identification of most of the species seen during the Survey.

1. Stem with more than 5 stem lvs; basal rosette usually absent at flowering
  2. Involucral bracts densely glandular, lvs strongly amplexicaul: prenanthoides
  2. Involucral bracts eglandular or with sparse glandular hairs, or microglands
   3. At least the lower lvs with a tapering base, upper lvs with a rounded but not amplexicaul base
    4. Lvs narrow, with recurved margins, toothed; inner inv. bracts glabrous: umbellatum
    4. Lvs ovate-lanceolate, inv. bracts rarely glabrous
     5. Lvs entire or weakly toothed
      6. Inv. bracts with very few glandular hairs; peduncles lacking long hairs: vagum
      6. Inv. bracts with many microglands and long simple hairs: sabaudum
     5. Lvs distinctly toothed
      7. Infl. of many heads, dense, subumbellate: salticola
      7. Heads usually <5, if more, infl. elongate
       8. Lvs spotted: sparsifolium
       8. Lvs not spotted
        9. Basal rosette of lvs present at time of flowering; inv. bracts + glabrous: lissolepium
        9.Basal rosette absent at flowering; inv. bracts hairy
         10. Inv. bracts with long, simple hairs only: placerophylloides
         10. Inv. bracts with glandular and simple hairs: eboracense
   3. Base of upper lvs semi-amplexicaul
    11. Styles yellow: latobrigorum
    11. Styles dark
     12. Inv. bracts with mainly simple hairs: strictiforme
     12. Inv. bracts with rather few simple and glandular hairs: subcrocatum
1. Stem with less than 6 lvs; basal rosette present when flowering
 13. Inv. bracts with conspicuous long simple hairs
  14. Heads large, rarely solitary
   5. Lvs with stellate hairs on upper surface: flocculosum
    15. Lvs without stellate hairs on upper surface
     16. Stem leaf petiolate; inv. bracts with conspicuous stellate hairs: ampliatum
     16. Stem leaf sessile; inv. bracts without conspicuous stellate hairs: anglicum
  14. Heads solitary; lvs and inv. bracts with long, simple hairs
    17. Lvs entire; heads shaggy with long white hairs: holosericeum
    17. Lvs slightly toothed; heads not shaggy, hairs dark: subgracilentipes
 13. Inv. bracts lacking conspicuous long simple hairs
  18. Inv. bracts with long, flexuous glandular hairs only; lvs spotted: clovense
  18. Not as above
   19. Lvs often glaucous; heads medium to large, usually few; styles usually yellow
   20. Stem lvs 2-4; lvs rough above with scattered short hairs: orimeles
    20. Stem lvs 1 or 2; lvs glabrous above
     21. Lvs spotted
      22. Robust plant; lvs often broadly ovate; heads rather large: hypochaeroides
      22. Less robust; lvs lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate; heads medium
       23. Lf base subtruncate; lvs narrowly ovate, strongly spotted: saxorum
       23. Lf base narrowed; lvs oblong-lanceolate, somewhat obtuse, lightly spotted: sommerfeltii
     21. Lvs not spotted
      24. Lvs strongly toothed: vagense
      24. Lvs entire or weakly toothed
       25. Lvs narrowly lanceolate or elliptic, glaucous; stem lf narrow, patent: argenteum
       25. Not as above
        26. Inner inv. bracts obtuse, tips often flushed pink: caledonicum
        26. Inner inv. bracts acute, tips not pink
         27. Lvs with long setose hairs on margin and both surfaces: lasiophyllum
         27. Upper leaf surface glabrous
          28. Lvs with prominent, neat, short setaceous teeth; inv. bracts long and pointed: dicella
          28. Not as above
           29. Lvs glaucous; inv. bracts with conspicuous white margin of stellate hairs: decolor
           29. Lvs rarely glaucous; inv. bracts without conspicuous white margin
            30. Lvs with stellate hairs beneath: stenopholidium
            30. Lvs without stellate hairs beneath: leyi
19. Lvs rarely glaucous; heads small to medium; styles usually dark
  31. Stem lvs 3 or more; peduncles and inv. bracts with glandular hairs
   32. Inv. bracts with dense stellate hairs: acuminatum
    32. Inv. bracts with few if any stellate hairs
     33. Lvs ovate; inv. bracts usually with glandular hairs only: diaphanum
     33. Lvs ovate-lanceolate; inv. bracts and peduncles with a few simple hairs: diaphanoides
  31. Stem lvs usually 1 or 2
    34. Inv. bracts with short, black glandular hairs only; stem lf 1
     35. Lvs glabrous, entire, often purplish below: pellucidum
     35. Lvs not as above
      36. Lvs softly hairy, strongly toothed, the lower often deflexed: grandidens
      36. Lvs subentire to shortly toothed
       37. Styles yellowish; lvs subentire: sublepistoides
       37. Styles fuscous or dark; lvs often large and somewhat toothed at the base: subcrassum
    34. Inv. bracts with simple and usually some glandular hairs
     38. Lvs spotted
      39. Inv. bracts with long white simple hairs, few glandular hairs, and many stellate hairs: maculoides/maculosum
     39. Inv. bracts and peduncles conspicuously glandular hairy

      40. Peduncles with dense stellate hairs and conspicuous simple ones: scotostictum
      40. Peduncles with few stellate or simple hairs: glanduliceps
     38. Lvs not spotted
      41. Inv. bracts with many glandular hairs
       42. Glandular hairs rather long and flexuous
        43. Lvs narrow, elliptic; heads small: duriceps
        43. Lvs oblong-lanceolate, often strongly toothed at the truncate base heads medium:  pseudostenstroemii
      42. Glandular hairs short
       44. Glandular hairs pale; stem leaf broadly triangular: oistophyllum
       44. Glandular hairs dark; stem leaf narrow
        45. Lvs oblong, with spreading or deflexed teeth at the base; panicle lax; heads with wide base: auratiflorum
        45. Lvs more pointed, weakly toothed at base; panicle rather narrow; heads narrowed to base: crebridentiforme
    41. Inv. bracts not conspicuously glandular hairy
     46. Lvs small, boat-shaped with stellate hairs on upper surface: cymbifolium
     46. Lvs not boat-shaped, lacking stellate hairs above
      47. Older lvs broad, obtuse, with a subtruncate base; panicle often umbellate: silvaticoides
      47. Lvs not as above
       48. Inv. bracts with short, crisp simple hairs: vulgatum
       48. Inv. bracts with long white, simple hairs
        49. Inv. bracts without glandular hairs; heads medium: cravoniense
        49. Inv. bracts with glandular hairs; heads large
         50. Inv. bracts with glandular hairs in upper half; stem leaf rarely strongly toothed:  rhomboides
         50. Inv. bracts with glandular hairs confined to lower half; stem leaf often strongly toothed:  rubiginosum